Page:The Letters of Warren Hastings to his Wife.djvu/13

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(Arranged chronologically. ) WARREN HASTINGS AS A YOUNG MAN (Sir Joshua Reynolds) Facing p. 3 1 (Reproduced from 'The Private Life of Warren Hastings,' by the kind permission of Sir C. Lawson.) MRS IMHOFF AND CHILD . (R. E. Pine) . . n 98 (Reproduced from the engraving by Dickinson in the British Museum.} WARREN HASTINGS IN 1784 (A. W. Devis} . n 420 (From the original painting in the National Portrait Gallery.) MRS HASTINGS IN 1783 . (John Zqffany) . ,, 247 (From the original painting, by kind permission of Miss Winter.) WARREN HASTINGS IN 1793 (George Stubbs) . n 438 (From the engraving by G. T. Stubbs.) MRS HASTINGS IN LATER LIFE (Ozias Humphry} Frontispiece (Reproduced from 'The Private Life of Warren Hastings,' by the kind permission of Sir C. Laivson.)