Page:The Library, volume 5, series 3.djvu/120

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io8 REVIEWS. these are somewhat difficult to follow. The treat- ment of the undated books also leaves something to be desired. In most cases no explanation is given of the conje<5tural dates assigned to them, and it is difficult to see why, e.g., no. 118, printed with types 4 and 6, should be marked 'kaum vor 1499,' whereas no. 126, printed with the same types and apparently much the same in general appearance, is allowed the very wide margin of ' etwa 1498- 1508.' Two further points may also be mentioned here: (i) The description in the British Museum Catalogue of no. 28 as connected with Wlirzburg is supported by the mention of S. Burchardus, who was peculiarly honoured in that diocese; (2) the Vocabularius (Prodtor, no. 1576) referred to on p. 132 is not a Vocabularius ex quo, and cannot have been printed later than 1474 (see p. 321 of the B.M. Incunabula Catalogue). Still, these are small blemishes, and students of early printing will be grateful to the authors for their labour, and look forward to the second instalment. V. SCHOLDEREK. Bibliography of Road-making and Roads in the United Kingdom. By Dorothy Ballen. With an Intro- du&ion by Sir George Gibb^ Chairman of the Road Board. London: P. S. King & Son. 1914. pp. xviii, 281. (One of the ' Studies in Eco- nomics and Political Science' Edited by the Hon. W. Pember Reeves.) In the opening sentence of his preface to Miss Ballen's work, the Chairman of the Road Board commits himself to the assertion that ' the proper