Page:The Library, volume 5, series 3.djvu/136

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124 CO-OPERATION AMONG 2. IN SOME OF THE SUPPORTING LIBRARIES. Books asked for. Found. Berlin Univ. Lib. . . . 2,663 r 3 2 Breslau ,, 2,716 103 Gottingen 2,475 2o8 Ktfnigsberg,, . . .2,682 104 Marburg 2,390 125 Strassburg 3*227 289' iv/r i_ (on cards . 4,227) Munich , ,. 240 2 (in search-lists 2,710) Munich Library, 1911 . . 3,973 558 A particular feature of the work of the Aus- kunftsbureau is that it may be used for the filling up of gaps in the supporting libraries. The search-lists are forwarded to some second-hand booksellers. If these have one of the required books in stock, they offer it to the Royal Library at Berlin or any other library which may care for it. In this way in 1912-13, as far as the Bureau is informed, the Royal Library purchased forty-nine works, other libraries (e.g., the Uni- versity Library, the Library of the Zoological Museum, and the Library of the Merchants' Guild in Berlin and the Library of the Technical High School at Dantzic) five which were thus offered them. 1 Among them 229 which were in none of the eleven Prussian libraries. 2 Among them 126 which were in none of the eleven Prussian libraries.