Page:The Library, volume 5, series 3.djvu/211

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MIRACLE CYCLES. 199 to be an instance of a disguised agreement of PH B.' Of other anomalous agreements there are several, but of none do more than a couple of instances occur. They are : P H K, P B K, P W K, P K, H B, H D, H W, H K, B K. The most curious perhaps is P W K, for it turns out to be what I may call a ghost. 2 Though W K is undoubtedly supported by P according both to Manly's edition and to the apparent reading of the manuscript, the latter on closer examination is seen to be the work of the modern restorer. The original reading, though uncertain, most probably supported the group H B D. There is another similar case in which the restorer has made P support the group B D W K, though in fa<S it almost certainly origi- nally supported H.s Another startling agreement is P B K, but this is easily explained as an emenda- tion of a corruption in ?, made independently by B and K. The agreements of P K and P H K are due to accidental returns of K to an original reading. The agreements of H D, H B, H W, and B K are all capable of explanation. Two instances of an agreement of H K are certainly puzzling.* In the line : ' These Lowlers the would fayne me greeue ' (D), both manuscripts omit the word 'fayne/ and 1 Line 315 D (&c.) Nowe wee be readye leeue you this (P B been we H we). 2 Line 566 D (&c.) But I must blesse yt orytgoe (W K I goe P -?-). 3 Line 166 D (&c.) God glorified created of degree (H greatest p -?-).

  • Line 247 P (&c.) For we were neuyr so rych in fay (D W H

in good fay e). s Lines 428, 488.