Page:The Library, volume 5, series 3.djvu/439

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SCOTTISH LIBRARIES. 425 were 180 in England; 56 in Scotland; 26 in Ireland ; and 40 in Wales. In these circumstances England inevitably occupied much of the attention of the Library Association. The situation, indeed, was similar to that of the British Parliament. England was ' the predominant partner/ and there was need for delegation of some kind so that local requirements might be considered, and the general welfare of the library world made more secure. There was clamant necessity for some form of Home Rule, so that authentic information might be supplied as to the wants of special sections of library work ; and it was to supply this want that the Scottish Library Association was founded. There was no thought of rivalling the larger Association indeed, all the leading Scottish librarians are members of both Associations and the two bodies have always worked harmoniously. Now that the Scottish Library Association has entered upon the seventh year of its existence, it is advisable to take stock of the progress it has made, and to consider how its operations may be judiciously extended. From the Report for 1913-14 it will be seen that it began in 1907 with 63 members, and now there are 144 members; all either professional librarians, or diredlly interested in library work. Glasgow naturally heads the list with 64 members, Edinburgh follows with 21, Dundee with 17, and Aberdeen with 3, making a total of 105 for the four largest cities. The status of the Association has been amply acknowledged by receptions given to the members by the Town Councils and University rulers in Edinburgh,