Page:The Library, volume 5, series 3.djvu/61

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THE CHCJR BREVIARY OF 1490. 49 the types of an edition of the ' Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonum' of Joannes Niuicellensis, com- pleted at Basel on 3ist January, 1489, and ascribed by Pro6lor (no. 7577) to the press of Johann Amer- bach (see the facsimile). The lighter text type, similarly, appears to be indistinguishable in face from another Basel type, type i (83 mm.) of Furter, except for some natural admixture of sorts from its companion type. C. Two woodcut capitals occur in the book. The first, found at the beginning of the Bishop's preface on I b , is an O, measuring 30 by 29 mm., the letter being outlined in white on a black ground relieved with white ornamentation, in a style very popular at Basel, and thence introduced into Augsburg and Besan9on. The other capital stands at the head of the ' pars aestiualis de tempore ' (60 a ), and. is a somewhat remarkable D, in the ' Maiblumen ' style, measuring 32 by 33 mm., and forming one piece with an elaborate scrolled border extending 170 mm. or more along the inner margin of the page, the whole being printed in ink of an unusual pale mauve tint. D. The preface of Bishop Ortlieb on the verso of the first leaf is dated 25th January, 1490, and sets forth how, wishing to put an end to the mani- fold confusions and irregularities in the condu6l of divine service which had grown up in the various churches of his diocese, he had in the previous year caused to be drawn up and distributed ' plura breuiaria ' containing rules for prayer and song.