Page:The Library, volume 5, series 3.djvu/82

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7 PRIVATE PRINTING PRESSES IN SUSSEX. OME years ago an article by Mr. H. R. Plomer on ' Some Private Presses of the Nineteenth Century ' appeared in THE LIBRARY, in which the author asked for information re- lating to other private presses. The following notes about some private presses established in Sussex are, therefore, put forward as a small contribution towards a future history of English private print- ing presses. The scantiness of information relating to these Sussex presses is very surprising, hardly any mention being made of them in the numerous works relating to the county. These notes are thus somewhat imperfect, but all the available material has been gathered together in order to place on record what is known regarding the private presses of Sussex. In a great many instances one has to rely, in drawing conclusions, upon purely circum- stantial evidence, which is not always satisfactory. None of the Sussex presses can be considered of first-rate importance. They cannot, for instance, bear comparison with such famous private presses as the Middle Hill, Lee Priory, and others. The workmanship is not of the best, being often quite mediocre, and in some instances bad. It is very evident that these local presses were established for