Page:The Life and Mission of Emanuel Swedenborg.djvu/60

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and mathematics. . . . If there should be an opening at an Academy here in Sweden, will your Excellency be so kind as advance him to fill it? With God's help he will honor his place.

"Jesper Swedberg."

Meanwhile Swedenborg made preparations for his projected magazine of scientific discoveries and mechanical inventions. On the 9th of August he writes to Benzelius,—

"Most honored friend and brother,—As I presume you have now returned from the Springs to Upsal, I hope that this letter may find you in good condition and with renewed health, at which I should rejoice more than any one else. I received lately a very nice little Latin letter from brother Ericulus, at which I was very much pleased and gratified. I answered it in some extemporaneous Latin verses, in which I wished him every kind of happiness and success, both in his studies and in everything else that may be agreeable to his parents and to himself.

"I looked very carefully for the machines which I some time ago sent to my father; they were eight in number, but I was unable to discover the place in which he had laid them aside. He thinks they have been sent to you, which I hope with all my heart; for it cost me a great amount of work to put them on paper, and I shall not have any time during the next winter to do this over again. There were, First, three drawings and plans for water-pumps, by which a large quantity of water can be raised in a short time from any sea or lake you choose. Second, two machines for raising weights by means of water, as easily and quickly as is done by mechanical forces. Third, some kinds of sluices, which can be constructed where there is no fall of water, and which will raise boats over hills, sand-banks, etc. Fourth, a machine to discharge by air ten or eleven thousand shots per hour. All these machines are carefully described and calculated algebraically. I had further intended to communicate plans of some kinds of vessels and boats, in which persons may go under water whenever they choose; also a machine for build-