Page:The Life and Voyages of Captain James Cook (Young).djvu/66

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Visit to Huaheine. Friendly behaviour of the King and his people. Visit to Ulietea. Great Morai, and sacred chests. Visit to Otaha, and approach to Bolabola. Return to Ulietea. Native dances. Interview with Opoony, King of Bolabola. Trade for provisions. Departure from the Society Islands. Oheteroa discovered. Hostile conduct of the natives. Death of the Boatswain's Mate. The Comet seen.

Having quitted the shores of Otaheite, the attention of the Commander was directed towards some neighbouring islands, lying to the N.W., well known to Tupia; who mentioned by name Huaheine, Ulietea, Otaha, and Bolabola, as places where hogs, fowls, and other refreshments, might be procured in abundance; and it was the more desirable to visit them, as the supplies at Otaheite had been scanty, for some time before the Endeavour sailed. On the voyage thither, when the ship was sometimes becalmed, Tupia prayed to his god Tane for a wind; but it was remarked, that he never began to pray, till he saw tokens of an approaching breeze.

On the 16th, the Endeavour reached Huaheine, some canoes came off from the shore, in one of which were the King and Queen of the island, who seeing Tupia, and receiving assurances of