Page:The Life and Works of Christopher Dock.djvu/139

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The natural spark of love which God did not quench entirely after the fall, but exhibits in rational and irrational creatures according to their capacity, is in many ways weakened and suppressed by love of the world. I will only mention the natural love among natural people. It leads to their union in marriage, and so long as the natural spark of life is maintained, such love is not lessened, but increased, so that they are more closely bound together, produce children and support them together. For this is implanted in them in this natural love, even among heathens and such nations. For otherwisethe human race could not multiply in an orderly manner. Irrational creatures are also imbued with a natural love to feed their offspring. Christians have not only the natural spark to bring up their children, but also to bring them up in fear of God, according to commandments in the Old and the New Testament. And where such education is carried on in sincere love by parents and teachers, it will not be without blessing. For love, breeding and admonition to the Lord, form a three-fold cord that does not easily break. If parents and teachers have sincere parental love for children, it may beexpected that this will in turn produce a sincere filial love. When this love appears in the child, unless it is choked it may be expected to mature good fruit. But if liberty attempt to overpower this love and ignite it with wildfire, love, breeding and admonition to the Lord, as stated, must be used as a three-cord whip, then there is hope that love, fear and obedience will result. But all through God's gracious