Page:The Life and Works of Christopher Dock.djvu/209

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with Satan, the world and my flesh-loving selfishness, that until now have turned me from Thee and Thy grace. O God, be merciful to me, a sinner, and give me the mediator between Thee and men, that is Thy dear Son, in whom Thou art well pleased. For He is the peace-offering for my sins and those of the whole world. Him hast Thou given us in love, commit me to His care as His own, that I may be cleansed of my sins through His bitter sufferings and death. His blood can wash me of my sins, and I shall henceforth willingly and obediently submit to this soul's physician, and accept willingly all commands and orders that He gives me to heal my poor wounded soul.” If we come thus like the prodigal son before the Father, humble and crushed, and to the Son, then will follow the second invitation of the Lord Jesus, and it is as lovely and gracious as the first. It is described in St. John vi, 37, and reads as follows: “All that the Father givest Me shall come to Me, and him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.”

Come, then, sinners, and those who sorrow on account of their sins, to Him who turns no one away who comes in the humility of heart. Why wilt thou stand in thine own light, and thus be lost? Wilt thou longer serve sin, when He appeared to save thee? Oh, no. Leave the path of sin. My Saviour loveth sinful men.

Now what hindrances prevent our coming to Christ, our soul's bridegroom?

Satan places before us the kingdom of this world, pleasures of the eye, of the flesh and vain life, and