Page:The Life and Works of Christopher Dock.djvu/213

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enemies that war against our soul, against whom of our own strength we can do nothing, but by God's help we can do everything.

May the Lord deliver us from all evil, and help us to His heavenly kingdom, to whom be glory from everlasting to everlasting. Amen.

Dear children, who have come to the years of understanding. Love for your souls and for your souls' salvation has led me to admonish you before my departure. Examine yourselves, if you have come in faith to Christ or are still willing to come. If you discover that, with the prodigal son, you have gone from the Father, determine, with the prodigal son, to come to him again. Let the world no longer deceive you with pleasures of the eye and of the flesh and vain living. Free your hearts from such false love, and love and betroth yourselves with Jesus, our soul's Bridegroom, who for love gave His life. He calls to us lovingly to come, as ye have read in his words. Such coming brings us light. Do not forget to come.

Yours in love,

Christopher Dock.

N.B. — The publisher has considered it desirable to affix the author's name of this contribution: first, because it is chiefly addressed to his pupils (although it concerns all men without exception). So it is meet that they know who speaks to them. Secondly, the dear author has led such a good life, and does yet in his great age, that it is not unprofitable nor detrimental to him that his name be known. God grant that all who read the letter may put it to real use.