Page:The Life and Works of Christopher Dock.djvu/225

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96. — In sneezing, blowing your nose, spitting and yawning, exercise all possible decency. Turn your face aside, bold your hand before it, take the discharge from the nose into a handkerchief and do not look at it long; spit straight down, and put your foot on it, &c. Do not form a habit of constantly clearing the throat, digging the nose, violent panting, and other disgusting and indecent ways.

97. — Never appear among people looking indecent or dirty. Cut your nails at the proper time, and keep your clothes, shoes, and stockings neat and clean.

98. — In laughing be moderate and civil. Do not laugh at everything, but especially not at the wickedness or misfortune of others.

99. — When you have made a promise, try to keep it, and beware of all lying and untruth.

100. — Whatever you see in other Christian people that is good and proper, let it serve you as a model. If there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Phil. iv, 8.)