Page:The Life of Lokamanya Tilak.djvu/243

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Sons of India ! Let your sadness Turn to gladness ; For the long night of your sorrow Now has passed ; a glorious morrow Dawns upon you. Day is shining Cease repining. C, F, Andrews,

IN the darkest hour of Mr. Tilak's life, when neither friend nor foe expected him to survive six long years of transportation, the Hon. Mr. Gokhale could not forget his old grievances against him. But Mr. Tilak was nothing if not chivalrous, and on hearing the unexpected news of Mr. Gokhale's death, (19th February 19 15) he motored down to Poona from Sinhgad to do honour to the great Moderate. The funeral oration delivered by him on this occassion is intensely passionate. Mr; Tilak said : —

"This is not a time for cheers. This is a time for shedding tears. This diamond of India, this jewel of Maharashtra, this prince of workers is laid to eternal rest on the funeral ground. Look at him and try to emulate him. * * * Every one of you should place his life as model to be imitated, and should try to fill up the gap caused by his death ; and if you will do your level best to emulate him in this way, he will feel glad even in the next world/.