Page:The Life of Lokamanya Tilak.djvu/303

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that. Supposing we have a festival of Cromwell here, that does not mean we go on killing kings of England '.

Turning to the report of a speech delivered by Mr. Tilak at the Shivaji festival in 1897, Sir Edward Carson, asked the witness what he meant by saying that great men are above the common principles of morality. The witness said that every day morality could not be ap- plied to the superman.

"Do you apply that doctrine to the Kaiser ?" — ' No. He was moved by an ambition to rule the whole world, which was wrong '.

Asked to explain why an article in the form of an ex- hortation by Shivaji, had the Bhavani sword-mark ap- pended to it, the witness said Shivaji could not write and was accustomed to make his mark in the form of a sword.

His Lordship : — " It appears to have been his trade- mark."

In reply to a question from Sir Edward Carson wit- ness said that he advocated in his paper that children should be taught Swadeshi '.

"Did you advocate that children should bum every- thing ?" — ' There was a bonfire and I said " You had better commence your vow by sacrificing something "

"Was this to promote Anti-British feeling ?" — ' No '^ Mr. Justice Darling : — " Were the things burnt, things which you could have produced in India?" — ' Yes, they were produced on a large scale '. " Did you do this to promote home industries ?'* ' Yes, a kind of protection for home industries '. " Was there anything political in it ?" — ' Not until 1905*.