Page:The Life of Lokamanya Tilak.djvu/328

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an evening motor-drive brought him a chill which soon developed into high fever. None, however, suspected the worst and congratulatory anniversary meet- i ngs were held (23rd July) in Bombay and elsewhere.

The fever, brought by the chill, subsided only to rec- tum soon. From Monday night (26th July), " his- fever took a decidedly serious turn and it was found that the base of his right lung was affected and the fever developed signs of pneumonia. The whole of Tuesday was a day of anxiety. There was no brain- complication and his consciousness was unimpaired.*' Still the situation was critical and his friends and rela- tives gathered to wait upon him. He chaffed his son upon having run up to Bombay on this flimsy pretence and his daughters upon being rather too fond of their parents' home. He disdained to leave any initructions regarding his affairs, though pressed to do so. "I am not going to die, these five years," he said " be sure of that." Wednesday morning, the temperature was normal and the pulse regular. This was a happy sign. But in the afternoon " again he got fever and again his heart began to show signs of weakness. He lost all consciousness and became delirious. He continued more or less in the same state during the whole of Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday, there was a complication of the stomach which began to be distended. With great difficulty, the doctors led him out of the crisis. On Thursday at about 5 p.m., he had an attack of angina pectoris which threatened to be serious and fatal but, thanks to the timely efforts of the doctors, he was pulled out of it. He had similar attacks, three times afterwards, but they were weak in intensity. On