Page:The Life of Lokamanya Tilak.djvu/334

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are given below. The largest contribution that of Rs. 3,00,000 ^has been made by Mr. A. B. Godrej^ Proprietor of the Godrej, Boyce Manufacturing Company. It is earmarked for the (i) eradiction of the liquor traffic in India and (2) the elevation of the depressed classes.

Serial Name of the Amount No. Province. contributed. Rs. I Bombay 37,50,000 2 Gujarat 15,00,000 3 Punjab 9,22,707 4 Behar 7,10,628 5 Bengal 6,50,000 6 Maharashtra 4>4i.475 7 United Provinces 4.10,304 8 Andhra 3,50,000 8 Sind 1,95,542 10 Central Provinces (Marathi) 1,79,000 II Madras 1,79,000 12 Karnatak 1,59,205 13 Burma 1,25,000 14 Delhi 1,05,000 15 Central Provinces (Hindi) 89,499 16 Berar 44,435 17 Ajmer 40,660 18 Assam 40,000 19 Utkal 23,652 20 Kerala Total 21,038 99.37,145