Page:The Life of Lokamanya Tilak.djvu/375

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blems of humanity. So far as I know, it is only Mrs. Besant, Mr. Gandhi, Mr. Tilak and Mr. Arabindo Ghose who have given us their outlook on some of the questions, confronting mankind. We may leave the names of Mrs. Besant and Mr. Ghose as not bearing upon our subject here. While, both Tilak and Gandhi have deUvered their message to mankind, each has done so in a characteristic way. Mr. Tilak's message is general ; Mr. Gandhi's is particular. With his intellectual sweep, Mr. Tilak absorbed in his own brain the culture of the East and the West and has given us the gospel of his Karma Yoga. Mr. Gandhi has put all the institutions and leading thoughts of the modern civilization to the touch-stone of his truthful, pure, and loving heart and has condemned them as grossly material. To the nations madly careering after the senses, Mr. Tilak cries ' Halt ' and bids them look inward. Mr. Gandhi also, would stop them and tell them to reform their life and institutions. Mr. Tilak gives them the key to introspection and self-elevation in ' work without motive ;' Mr. Gandhi calls upon them to destroy the machine-made, machine-dependant and machine-making soul-less civilization and on its ruins build a purer, grander and simpler life. The intellectual boldness of Mr. Tilak enabled him to free himself from the shackles of all commentators and study the message of Lord Krishna at first hand ; while the moral intrepidity of Mr. Gandhi throws away- all cant and book-lore and having unfalteringly examin- ed each detail of modem Ufe and civilization, accepts or rejects it, according as it agrees with his basic ideals. In the enforced leisure at Mandalay, Mr, Tilak has given