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public opinion enabled him to pass a resolution in the Bombay Provincial Conference (May 1891) regretting that the Government did not properly respect the public opinion on the "Age of Consent Bill." It is worth noting that the leaders of the Reform Party who were present at the Conference dared not oppose the resolution moved by Mr. Tilak.

Mr. Tilak was not merely a destructive critic. He showed the way in which the Bill could be made acceptable to the Orthodox party. He suggested that the attainment of puberty should be made the legal age for the consummation of marriage. Had this compromise been accepted there would have been no trouble. But neither the Governm.ent nor the leading Reformers were in a conciliatory mood. Mr. Tilak about this time (26th October 1890) put forth one suggestion which shows the sincerity of his faith in genuine social reform. He disapproved of general legislation as the masses were not prepared for the same. But he welcomed resort to legislation as a binding force to those who believed in reforms. His proposals were as follows:—

(1) & (2) Girls and boys should not be married until they have reached the age of 16 and 2a respectively.

(3) & (4) Unless they are prepared to marry widows, men should not marry after they are 40 years old.

(5) There should be absolute prohibition of liquor.

(6) Acceptance of dowry in marriages should be prohibited.

(7) Disfigurement of widows should be forthwith stopped.