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of protest, some 15 gentlemen including Prof. Gokhale left the meeting.

In spite of the worst fears of the reformers, the Congress was a brilliant success. The reception accorded to the Thunderer of Bengal was simply grand. Enthusiasm was catching. After the Congress was over Sardar Baba Maharaj, a friend of Mr. Tilak was 'at Home' to the Congress President and the Congress delegates. Then the party was led to attend a huge meeting in connection with the Shivaji Memorial. Mr. Banerjea made a thrilling speech and exhorted the people to join the Shivaji festival inaugurated by Mr. Tilak.

It is so very unpleasant to rake up from the forgotten past an episode of discord. But when we find attempts made to discredit Mr. Tilak for imaginary sins it is necessary to apportion the blame and decide where truth and fairness lay. Had Mr. Tialk's critics contented themselves with asserting that he disapproved of the holding of the Social Conference on the lines on which it was held, nobody would have cared to criticise such remarks for the simple reason that even leading Reformers of those days like the late Hon. Rao Bahadur Nulkar thought pretty much in the same way. Mr. Tilak's supposed opposition to the Reform movement or to the Social Conference had absolutely nothing to do with the insignificant question of the holding of the Social Conference in the Congress pavilion. If this petty question assumed "disproportionate dimensions," the responsibility lies rather on those who, not caring for the fair name of their city were willing to vent their spite upon the devoted head of Mr. Tilak and discredit