Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/422

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Science Sentinel had been established as a weekly publication of Christian Science news, dealing with affairs of the church, with the lecturers, and printing letters and testimonies of healing, the Journal, which had become a monthly, retaining the special province of publishing articles and essays on metaphysical subjects from the pens of the students. There was also established Der Herold der Christian Science, a monthly in the German language.

All these publications were then housed at 250 Huntington avenue. Ground was broken for the erection of the Christian Science Publishing House in the summer of 1907 and the work was actively pushed, for Mrs. Eddy's attention was now largely concentrated upon the publications of the church, and her cherished purpose was yet to be unfolded to her followers. This came in the first few months of her residence in Boston. The new publishing house had gone up speedily at the corner of St. Paul and Falmouth streets, a handsome, three-storied structure of Bedford stone. The Publishing Society occupied its new quarters in August, 1908. During July Mrs. Eddy communicated to the Board of Directors her wish that in the near future a daily newspaper be started, and on August 8 she sent the following letter to the Board of Trustees:

August 8, 1908 

Christian Science Board of Trustees,
Boston, Mass.

Beloved Students, — It is my request that you start a daily newspaper at once, and call it the