Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/430

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May 31, 1909. In answer to an invitation extended to Mrs. Eddy by the Board of Directors to attend the annual meeting, Mrs. Eddy sent the following letter:

The Christian Science Board of Directors, Beloved Students:
I thank you for your kind invitation to be present at the annual meeting of the Mother Church on June 7, 1909. I will attend the meeting, but not in propria persona. Watch and pray that God directs your meetings and your lives, and your Leader will then be sure that they are blessed in their results.

Lovingly yours,

Mary Baker Eddy.

The Sentinel of November 19, 1910, in an editorial leader commemorated the services of Ira O. Knapp, C.S.D., who passed from earth November 11, 1910, at his home in Batavia street, Boston.

Adam H. Dickey, who for nearly three years had been Mrs. Eddy’s secretary, was unanimously elected a member of The Christian Science Board of Directors to fill this vacancy in accord with the following letter, received November 21, 1910, which it is interesting to note was the last official communication of Mrs. Eddy to any of the officers of her Church. It read:

Board of Directors:
Beloved Students, — Please appoint Mr. Adam H. Dickey member of the Board of Directors.

Lovingly yours,

Mary Baker Eddy.

Thus during Mrs. Eddy’s residence at Chestnut Hill was the personnel of the Board of Directors