Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/439

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or effect save that which cometh from God. And he should teach his students to defend themselves from all evil, and to heal the sick by recognizing the supremacy and allness of good. This epitomizes what heals all manner of sickness and disease, moral or physical.

The instruction to the student in the West came almost a year later, being printed in the Sentinel September 3, 1910. It embodied the right standpoint of the Christian Scientist in the world to-day, and had an especial value in that it was almost the last word of the Leader to her church. The question and Mrs. Eddy's reply were as follows:

Last evening I was catechized by a Christian Science practitioner because I referred to myself as an immortal idea of the one divine Mind. The practitioner said that my statement was wrong, because I still lived in my flesh. I replied that I did not live in my flesh, that my flesh lived or died according to the beliefs I entertained about it; but that, after coming to the light of Truth, I had found that I lived and moved and had my being in God, and to obey Christ was not to know as real the beliefs of an earthly mortal. Please give the truth in the Sentinel so that all may know it.

Mrs. Eddy's reply. — You are scientifically correct in your statement about yourself. You can never demonstrate spirituality until you declare yourself to be immortal and understand that you are so. Christian Science is absolute; it is neither behind the point of perfection nor advancing toward it; it is at this point and must be practised therefrom. Unless you fully perceive that you are the