Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/467

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 View,” 338; dissolution of the bonds of organization, 339; organization of the Mother Church, 340-342; elected pastor emeritus, 342; her life in Concord, 344, 345; her habits, 345, 346; visits the Mother Church, 347; receptions in Concord, 348, 349; publication of Miscellaneous Writings, 350; teaches one more class, 351; privacy of her life, 353; the new church in Boston, 354, 355; invasion of her privacy by newspaper men, 356-361; the suit in equity, 361-367; changes her residence to Chestnut Hill, 368, 371; cherishes purpose to establish a daily newspaper, 371, 372; begins publication of the Christian Science Monitor, 373-377; letter to Board of Directors, 380; letter to Board of Trustees of First Church of New York City, 381; letters in the Sentinel, 382, 384, 385; churches established in London and Edinburgh, 386-388; episode of First Church of New York City, 387-391; correspondence with Mr. Mattox, 390-391; her permission for George W. Glover and Dr. Foster-Eddy, 392, 393; her property and will, 392-394; her life at Chestnut Hill, 395-398; her death, 899-404; interment services, 404—405; her casket placed in Mt. Auburn, 406

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 4, 54, 156, 157

Evans, Dr. Warren F., 323

Fabyans, N. H., Mrs. Eddy at, 314

Farlow, Alfred, interview with, 240; head of Publication Committee, 357; the suit in equity, 363; his statement on resurrection, 406-408

Fernald, Josiah E., Mrs. Eddy’s banker, 358; trusteeship, 365

Fletcher, Richard, 21

Foley, Margaret J., 266

Foster-Eddy, Dr. Ebenezer Johnson, 290; accompanies Mrs. Eddy to Chicago, 317; adopted by her, 334; his character, 334, 335; acts as Mrs. Eddy’s publisher, 335 ; his mismanagement of a mission, 335, 336; his part in the suit in equity, 363; Mrs. Eddy’s provision for, 392

Fox sisters, the, 55

Franklin, N. H., 59, 60

Frye, Calvin A., becomes Mrs. Eddy’s Steward, 285-288; copies her MS., 314; accompanies her to Chicago, 317; his faithful services, 345, 357, 358, 398, 401, the suit in equity, 363-365; given bequest in Mrs. Eddy’s will, 394

—— Lydia, 287, 288

Fryeburg, Me., 6

Fuller, Margaret, on transcendentalism, 157

Gates, Professor Elmer, on the causative character of thinking, 278

Gestafeld, Mrs. Ursula, leadsrebellion in Chicago, 302

Glover, George W., sonof Mrs. Eddy, birth of, 42; nursed by Mahala Sanborn, 43; early training, 44; separated from his mother, 47, 48; living in Groton, N. H., 60; reunited to his mother, 62; again separated from her, 63; his later career, 63, 64; writes to his mother, 71; visits his mother, 330-333; encounters Kennedy, 331; his part in the suit in equity, 361-367; Mrs. Eddy’s provision for, 392-394; informed of Mrs. Eddy’s death, 401

—— George Washington, meets Mrs.