Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/469

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Leader, the Ohio, account of interview with Mrs. Eddy in, 307, 308

Legion of Honor, the, Mrs. Eddy’s connection with, 122, 123

Leonard, Mrs. Pamelia J., 345, 358

Literature, rise of American, 54

Lovewell, Hannah, wife of Capt. Joseph Baker, 5

—— Captain John, 5, 6

Lynn, Mass., 110; Mrs. Eddy’s life in, 117-160; her return to, 193-195; Mrs. Eddy’s life in, 196-273

MacDonald, Jessie, part in conspiracy against Mr. Eddy and Arens, 254, 255

Macdonald, Asa T. N., 227

Magnetism, animal, 54, 55

—— malicious animal, 240, 276

Magoun, Miss Susie, becomes Mrs. Eddy’s landlord, 195, 196

Mark, St., his gospel compared with Renan’s “Life of Jesus,” xii-xiii

Mark Twain, attack on Science and Health, 216-218

Mason, Rev. Frank, editorship of The Christian Science Journal, 295; his desertion, 295

Massachusetts Metaphysical College, founding of, 272, 289-291; closing of, 339

Mattox, Willard S., correspondence with Mrs. Eddy, 390-391

May, Judge, 248

McClure’s Magazine, statement of Richard Kennedy quoted in, 205; letters of Mrs. Eddy quoted in, 235, 236

Mclellan, Archibald, editorship of The Christian Science Journal, 296; trusteeship, 365; his announcement of the Christian Science Monitor, 374; editorial in the Monitor, 376

McNeil, Fanny, wife of Judge Potter, 6; her visits to Bow, 24

—— General John, 6

—— John, 6

—— Marion Moor, wife of Capt. John Baker, 5, 6; her care of Mrs. Eddy in childhood, 13-19

—— Sir John, 6

Meehan, M., editor of the Concord Patriot, 358

Mesmerism, 54, 55, 83-96

Mind Healing, publication of, 315

Miscellaneous Writings, quoted, 239, 374; Mrs. Eddy’s Chicago address printed in, 319; publication of, 344, 350

Monroe, Marcellus, 340

Moor, Marion, wife of John McNeil, 6

More, Hannah, 17

Morgan, Miss Martha, Mrs. Eddy’s housekeeper, 336

Morrison, Amos, 43

Morton, Joseph, 269

Moses, George H., 358

Mother Church, the, preparation for, 339; organization of, 340-342; visited by Mrs. Eddy, 347; the new church, 354, 355

Mt. Auburn, Mrs. Eddy’s tomb in, 406

National Christian Scientist Association, its formation and work, 302—304; meeting in Chicago in 1888, 316-320; adjournment of, 339

New Hampshire, her part in the history and independence of the United States, 1-4; conditions of life in, at the time of Mrs. Eddy’s birth, 9-11

New Thought Movement, 323

Newhall, Elizabeth, 227; aids in publication of first edition of Science and Health, 229