Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/471

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 health and disease, 86, 87; summary of his work, 88-90; releases Mrs. Eddy from pain, 90; receives from her his idea of Divine healing, 91-93; his confusion in this new idea, 94-96; his assumption of Mrs. Eddy’s ideas, 97; Mrs. Eddy’s statement concerning practise of, 98; death of, 100; claims concerning “manuscripts” of, 100-105; his doctrine an obstacle to Mrs. Eddy’s faith, 126, 127

Quimbyism, 82-112, 126, 134-136, 165, 182, 183, 201, 202, 207, 225, 296, 297

Rand, Martha Drew, wife of George Baker, 45; tells of Mrs. Eddy’s healing, 173

—— Susan, attendant of Mrs. Eddy, 79, 80

Rawson, Dorcas, student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 210, 227, 228, 240, 266, 269

Renan, his “Life of Jesus” compared with gospel of St. Mark, xii-xiii; quoted, 221

Reporter, the Lynn, Mrs. Eddy’s contributions to, 124; account of her “fall,” 127

Retrospection and Introspection, quoted, 19, 20, 30, 48, 59, 63, 167-170, 178, 189-192, 223, 327

Rice, Miranda R., student of Mrs. Eddy’s, 210, 227, 228, 269

Rochester, N. Y., 55

Roslindale, Mass., Mrs. Eddy moves to, 326

Roxbury, Mass., 5

Ruddock, Mary, 266

Rudiments and Rules of Divine Science, publication of, 315

Rumney, N. H., 68, 69

Rust, Rev. Richard S., quoted, concerning Mrs. Eddy’s mother, 14; recommends that Mrs. Eddy open an infants’ school, 46

Saco, Me., 139

Sanborn, Professor Dyer H.., his part in Mrs. Eddy’s education, 33; professor in N. H. Conference Seminary, 46

—— Mahala, nurses George Glover, 43; marriage with Russell Cheney, 47; separates George from his mother, 47, 48

Sanbornton Bridge, George Baker enters mills at, 32; revisited by Mrs. Eddy, 172

Sargeant, James I., part in conspiracy against Mr. Eddy and Arens, 249, 252-258

Sargent, Mrs. Laura, Mrs. Eddy’s companion, 338, 344, 345, 358, 397, 398; given bequest in Mrs. Eddy’s will, 394

Science and Health, quoted, 72, 132, 134, 143; preparation of the MS. of, 208-210; its rejection by a publisher, 210, 211; arrangements for printing the first edition, 214, 215; the subsequent revision, 215, 216; attacks on, 216-219; preparation for second edition, 231; difficulties and failure of new edition, 235-237; quoted, 243, 244; third edition, 273; quoted, 275; revision of, 309; proofs read by James Henry Wiggin, 309-312; further revisions, 344

Science of Man, The, finished by Mrs. Eddy, 189; advertised in The Christian Science Journal, 189; reprinted in Science and Health, 190

Sentinel, the, established as a weekly, 372; announcement of the Christian Science Monitor appears in, 374, 375; its mission, 376; Mrs.