Page:The Life of Sir Thomas More (William Roper, ed by Samuel Singer).djvu/203

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he shall sette his holy hande vnto me, and in the stormy seas, hold me vp from drowning. Yea, and if he suffer me to playe Saint Peter ferther, and to fall full to the grounde, and sweare and forsweare too, (whiche oure Lorde for his tender passion kepe me fro, and let me leese if it so fall, and neuer wynne thereby): yet after shall I trust that his goodnesse will caste vpon me his tender pitteous eye, as he did vpon Saint Peter, and make me stand vppe agayne and confesse the trouth of my conscience a freshe, and abyde the shame and the harme here of myne own faulte. And finally, Marget, thys wotte I verye well, that withoute my faulte he will not lette me be loste. I shal therfore with good hope, committe my selfe wholye to him. And if he suffer me for my fautes to perish, yet shal I than serve for a prayse of his justice. But in good fayth, Meg, I trust that his tender pitie shal kepe my pore soule safe, and make me commend his mercy. And therfore mine own good daughter, neuer trouble thy mind, for anye thyng that euer shall happe me in this world. No thyng can come, but that that God wille. And I make me verye sure, that what soeuer that bee, seme it neuer so badde in sight, it shal in dede be the best. And with thys, my good chylde, I pray you heartely, be you and all your sisters, and my sonnes too, comfortable and seruisable to your good mother my wyfe. And of youre good housbandes mindes I haue no maner dout. Commende me to theym all, and to my good daughter Alington, and to all my other frendes, sisters, neces, nephews, and alies, and vnto all our seruauntes, man, woman, and chylde, and all my good neyghbours, and oure acquayntance abrode. And I right hartely, praye both you and them, to serue God, and be mery and rejoyce in hym. And if any thing happe me that you wold be lothe, pray to God for me, but trouble not your self: as I shall full heartely praye for vs all, that wee maye meete together once in heaven, where we shall make merye for euer, and neuer haue trouble hereafter.