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Olaf Peacock, i. 267.

Oldham, Rev. J., i. 26.

Oneglia, i. 370.

Ormskirk, i. 363.

"Orpheus and Eurydice," i. 213.

Owen, Robert, ii. 104.

Oxford, changes in, i. 29,51; later feeling towards, ii. 17; Socialist lecture at, 126.

Oxford and Cambridge Maga- zine, i. 70, 91, 111.

Oxford, restoration of St. Mary's spire, ii. 300.

Oxford, Professorship of Poetry, i. 346-347.

Oxford Union, paintings at, i. 121.

Oxford Street premises of the Firm, i. 363.

Padua, i. 380.

Palomydes, picture of, i. 123.

Paris, first visit to, i. 75.

Paris Congress of Socialists, ii. 235.

"Peace" tapestry, ii. 238.

Pearson, J.L., ii. 291, 330.

Peterborough Cathedral, ii. 329.

Pewsey, ii. 3.

"Pilgrims of Hope," ii. 148, 177.

Plint, T. E., patron of the Pre- Raphaelites, i. 140.

"Poems by the Way," ii. 270.

"Poetic upholsterer," ii. 25.

Poetry, Morris's first essays in, i. 54.

Poetry, theory and practice of, i. 347.

Political interest, i. 348.

Pollen, J.H., i. 41, 121, 128.

Potter, Geo., i. 360.

Powell, F. York, ii. 175.

Powell, Messrs., glass, i. 154.

Pre-Raphaelite school of paint- ing, ii. 284-285.

Price, Cormell, i. 37, 130, 133, 152, 313, 35°; ii. 34.

Prince, type-cutter, ii. 275.

Prinsep, Val., i. 121, 128.

Profit-sharing, ii. 65.

Pugin, A.W., i. 334.

Queen Square, i. 179.

Radford, Ernest, ii. 221.

Raphael's Ansidei Madonna, ii. 287.

Rashdall's "Universities," ii. 337.

Red House, Upton, i. 143-149 ; life at, 165 ; given up, 170.

Red Lion Mary, i. 115.

Red Lion Square, residence in, i. 115.

Reims, ii. 277.

Reykholt, i. 272.

Reykjavik, i. 260, 303.

Ridding, Bishop, i. 34.

Ritchie, Mrs. R., i. 160.

Riviere, Wm., i. 127.

Ronalds, F., i. 383.

"Roots of the Mountains," ii. 225, 238.

Rossetti, D.G., his enthusiasm for painting, i. 108 ; his in- fluence on Morris, 114 ; en- gaged to paint at the Oxford Union, 121 ; his share in the circular issued by the Firm, 156 ; extinction of Rossetti's artistic influence over Morris, 206 ; drawing of "The Ms at Ems," 209 ; joint tenant of Kelmscott with Morris, 242 ; opinion of " Love is Enough," 288 ; retires from the Firm, end of intimacy^