Page:The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.djvu/22

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Israel's Lament on the Death of the Princess Charlotte of Wales 57

Sentimental 59

The Alternative 59

The Exchange. 59

What is Life? 60

Inscription for a Time-piece 60

'[Greek] 60


Prospectus 61

Lecture I. General character of the Gothic Mind in the

Middle Ages 67

II. General Character of the Gothic Literature

and Art 70

III. The Troubadours—Boccaccio—Petrarch—Pulci—Chaucer—Spenser 79

VII. Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, and Massinger 97

VIII. Don Quixote. Cervantes 113

IX. On the Distinctions of the Witty, the Droll, the Odd, and the Humorous; the Nature and Constituents of Humour; Rabelais, Swift, Sterne 131

X. Donne, Dante, Milton, Paradise Lost 148

XL Asiatic and Greek Mythologies, Robinson Crusoe, Use of Works of Imagination in Education 184

XII. Dreams, Apparitions, Alchemists, Personality of the Evil Being, Bodily Identity .. . 201

XIII. On Poesy or Art 216

XIV. On Style 230

Notes on Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici 241

Notes on Junius 248

Notes on Barclay's Argenis 255

Note in Casaubon's Persius 258