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dealt with Scottish life, and appeared in that great organ of North Britain, The Aberdeen Free Press. Thenceforward Miss Smith wrote exclusively about the Little Karoo. Her work in periodicals received little notice until Mr. Middleton Murry published The Pain in his monthly review, The Adelphi. The Pain was instantly greeted, from various parts of the world, as something very fine; and I, perhaps the earliest wondering admirer of her strange, austere, tender, and ruthless talent, had to answer many times the question: “Who is Pauline Smith?” I would reply: “She is a novelist.” "What are her novels?" came the inquiry. "She hasn’t written any yet," I would say, “but she will.” It is no part of my business here to appraise the gifts of Pauline Smith. The reader will decide for himself whether or not she has unusual originality, emotional power, sense of beauty, moral backbone.

This is her first book.
