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The Little Karoo

shelves that for over a year now Deltje had kept the little bottles of ‘“Grandmother’s Drops” which, from time to time, Juriaan had got for her from the Jew-woman’s store at Harmonie, for the pain in her side. At first the drops had seemed definitely to relieve Deltje’s pain, to baffle the mysterious third person who caused it, and even when the attacks became more frequent and more violent the faith of both Deltje and Juriaan had persisted because of the printed word on the wrapper. But in the month of January Juriaan’s faith at last was shaken. In that month of long hot days there came a succession of attacks which exhausted all the remaining drops and left Deltje weak and helpless as an infant on the low wooden bed. And leaving her there Juriaan went down in haste to the Jew-woman’s store at Harmonie.

When Juriaan reached the little white-washed store, with the sign “Winkel” printed crookedly with a blue-bag over its door, he found there Piet Deiselmann, the transport--
