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A Catalogue of Books.

of Pastry-Ware, &c., III. Making of Conserves, Candies, &c. IV. Making all kind of Potable Liquors, &c. W. Making all sorts of Perfumes, &c. WI. The Vertues and Uses of the most usual Herbs and Plants, &c, VII. The Preparation of several choice Medicines, Physical and Chirurgical, &c. The Second Edition, corrected and much enlarged; by William Salmon, Professor of Physick.

Solid Philosophy asserted against the Fancies of the Ideists; or, The Method to Science farther Illustrated; with Reflections on Mr.Lock's Essay,concerning Humane Understanding.

Cursa Osteologicus: Being a Compleat Dočtrine of the Bone; according to the newest and most refind Notions of Anatomy: Shewing their Nature, Sub stance, Composition, manner of Ossification, Nourishment, &c. To which is annexed, by way of Appendix, an excellent Method of Whitening, Clean sing, Preparing, and Uniting the Bones, to form a Movable Sceleton, wherein the Bones may have the same Motions as in a living Subject. The whole be ing a Work very useful and necessary for all Students in Physick and Surgery. By Robert Baker, Chirur geon.

Abra-mule: Or, A True History of the Dethronement of Mahomet IV. Written in French by M. le Noble. Made English by J. P.

Divine Emblems by Francis Quarles, together with his Hieroglyphicks of the Life of Man.

Contemplations, Moral and Divine, in Two Parts, By Sir Matthew Hale, late Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench.