Page:The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets.djvu/76

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Known Authors. F

preserve its Life above three Days. He is a Doctor of the Civil Law, and otherwise esteemed a Man of good Sense and Judgment; and some Lines in this Play confirm that Opinion, 'tis call'd,

The Unnatural Brother, a Tragedy, 4to. Acted at the Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, 1697. by his Majesty's Servants; he owns the Plot to be taken from Cassandra, particularly the Story of Alcinoe in that Romance.

Mr. Fishbourn.

A Gentleman who writ an unlicensed Play without his Name, call'd,

Sodom; before this Play are put the two Letters E. R., the Printer having a mind to have it pass for one of the Works of the late Earl of Rochester, as it had been formerly imputed to him, and which he denies and detests in a Copy of Verses made on purpose against the Author of it, who was, as I'm very well assured, one Mr. Fishbourn, an Inns of Court Gentleman; nor indeed has it any of my Lord Rochester's Wit to make amends for the abominable filth of the Obscenity which must nauseate every Reader of any tolerable Judgment.

This memorable Author liv'd in the Reign of both the Charle's, was (as I have had it from good hands) a Jesuit, but forsook the knavish part of his Office for Poetry, tho' his works, if I may credit those that have read him with more regard than my self, is not enough to quit him of all the tricks of that Order, he is for nothing so famous, as for naming a Poem of Mr. Dryden's call'd, Mac Flecknoe, he has Published several Plays, but whether any of 'em were Acted or not, I'm not able to determine.

Damoyselles A-la-mode, a Comedy, 8vo. 1667. Dedicated to their Graces the Duke and Dutchess of New Castle, borrowed from Moliere's Precieuses Ridicules, L'Escole des Femes, & L'Escole des Maris.

Erminia; or, The Chast Lady, a Tragi-Comedy, 8vo. 1667, Dedicated to the fair and virtuous Lady the Lady Southcott.

Loves Dominion, a Pastoral, 8vo. 1654. Dedicated to the Lady Elizabeth Claypole: A Play full of Morality, and written as a Pattern for the Reformed Stage.

Love's Kingdom, a Pastoral Tragi-Comedy, 8vo. 1664. Dedicated to his Excellency the Marquess of Newcastle. This Publish-