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Known Authors. F

Philaster; or, Love lies a Bleeding; a Tragi-Comedy, fol. A Play often Acted formerly, and sometimes of late Years, is accounted one of the best our Authors have Published.

The Pilgrim; a Comedy, fol. Reviv'd and Acted some Years since.

The Prophetess; a Tragi-Comedy, fol. This is Reviv'd under the name of the Prophetess; or, The History of Dioclesian, an Opera, 4to. 1690. I know not what reason Mr. Langbain has to attribute the revival to Mr. Dryden, when 'twas Mr. Betterton's. The true History you may find in Nicephorus, lib. 6, and 7. Eusebius lib. 8. Baronii An. 204. &c.

The Queen of Corinth; a Tragi-Comedy, fol.

Rule a Wife, and have a Wife, a Comedy, fol. This Play has been sometimes Acted of late days with good Applause.

The Scornful Lady, a Comedy, fol. Acted often in these days with good Applause. This Play is likewise Printed in Quarto, 1691.

The Sea Voyage, a Comedy, fol. This Play has been Reviv'd by Mr. Durfey, with a new Title, call'd, The Common-wealth of Women, and in part resembles Shakespear's Tempest.

The Spanish Curate, a Comedy. Plot from Gerardo's Hist. of Don John p. 202. and from the Spanish Curate of the same Author, p. 214.

Thiery and Theodoret, a Tragedy, fol. and 4to. imperfect in the last Act in the folio Edition, but supplied in the 4to. Plot from the French Chronicles, in the Reign of Clotair II. See Fredogarius, De Serres, Mezeray, &c.

Two Noble Kinsmen, a Tragi-Comedy, fol. Mr. Shakespear assisted in the writing of this Play.

Valentinian, a Tragedy, fol. and 4to. This Play, has been Reviv'd and Alter'd by the late Earl of Rochester, and so Acted at the Theatre Royal with great Applause. The Quarto Edition, Published 1685. with a Preface relating to the Author and his Works. Plot from Amm. Marcellinus. Procopius. Hist. Evagrius, and other Writers of those times.

A Wife for a Month, a Tragi-Comedy, fol. See the Story hereof in Mariana, and Louis de Mayerne Turquet, and the History of Sancho VIII. King of Leon.

The Wild Goose Chase, a Comedy, fol. This Play has been in good repute.

Wit at several Weapons, a Comedy, fol. built on the Wits; writ by Sir William D'avenant.

Wit without Money, a Comedy, fol. This Play was Reviv'd and Acted in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, immediately after the Theatre in Drury Lane was burnt, with a new Prologue by Mr. Dryden.
