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Known Authors. H

the Firſt; he was impatient of Cenſure, as well as his admired Ben. and writ a Play, called,

The Rival Friends, a Comedy, 4 to. 1632. Acted before the King and Queen at Cambridge. The Scene betwixt Love-all and Hamerſhin, Act 3. Scene 7, from that betwixt True-wit, Daw, and La Fool, in Ben.’s Silent Woman.

Joſeph Haynes.

This Perſon is mentioned here, for the ſake of an abominable Play that is mentioned under his Name, but he is not the Author of it, called,

A Fatal Miſtake, or the Plot ſpoil’d, Printed 4 to. 1696, but never Acted.

Richard Head.

This Author, born in Ireland of Engliſh Parents, his Father was a Miniſter, and murdered in the Maſſacree 1641. He had a little ſmattering of the University of Oxon, but was ſoon removed to a Book-ſeller in St. Paul’s Church-Yard, London. He writ one Play, call’d,

Hic & Ubique, or the Humours of Dublin, a Comedy, 4 to. 1663. Dedicated to Charles, Duke of Monmouth. He writ the Firſt, and moſt of the Third Parts of the Engliſh Rogue, The Art of Wheedling, 8 vo. The Complaiſant Companion, 12 mo. Venus’s Cabinet unlock’d, 12 mo. with ſeveral other ſmall Treatiſes.

William Hemmings.

An Author, of whom I can only ſay, That he liv’d in the Reign of Charles the Firſt, was Maſter of Arts of Oxford, and he writ Two Plays, viz.

Fatal Contract, a Tragedy, 4 to. 1653. Acted by her Majeſty’s Servants, and Dedicated to the Right Honourable, James, Earl of Northampton, and to Iſabella, his Vertuous Counteſs. Since the Reſtauration of King Charles the Second, it has been twice reviv’d, firſt under the Title of Love and Revenge, with little Alterations; and about Ten Years ago, under the Title of the Eunuch. For the Plot, conſult Gregorie de Tours, lib. 4, 5, &c. Aimion, Valois, De Serres, Mezeray, &c. in the Reigns of Chilperic the Firſt, and Clotaair the Second.
