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(59) Frank F(itch) Grout, while connected with the West Virginia Geological Survey as Chemist, collected a number of plants in various parts of the State, from 1904 to 1906, especially parasitic fungi. His collections are in the herbarium of Prof. Sheldon and that of the West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station.

(60) Huron H(erbert) Smith, Assistant in Dendrology at the Field Museum of Natural History, collected, in 1908, 246 numbers in Randolph, Webster, Nicholas, Lewis, Upshur and Wood Counties. His species, most of which are indicated in the following catalogue, are deposited in the herbarium of the Museum.

(61) O(tto) E(mery) Jennings, Botanist at the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, made a collection of plants in Monongalia County along the Monongahela River from Lock 9 to Morgantown, Mont Chateau and Coopers Rocks, in 1909. His specimens are deposited in the herbarium of the Carnegie Museum.

(62) W(illiam) W(ebster) Eggleston collected from 1909 to 1911 with a view of securing all possible material in the Pomaceae gathering also a considerable number of other plants that appeared to be of particular interest. He collected his numbers 4317-4372 at White Sulphur Springs in 1909 ; 5514-5551 at Gauley Bridge in 1909 ; 5552-5562 near Thurmond 1909 ; 5563-5587 near Hinton and 5588-5593 at White Sulphur Springs the same year. In 1911 he collected again at White Sulphur Springs (7761-7767). His material is deposited in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden.

(63) Mr. A(lonzo) B(eecher) Brooks, while occupied in amassing data for Volume V, of this Survey, collected a considerable number of particularly interesting plants, from 1909 to 1911, especially of the Glade Regions of the northern and northeastern sections of the State. The material that he preserved is deposited in the herbarium of the West Virginia University, at Morgantown. (See "West Virginia Geological Survey, Vol. V, 1911).

(64) I have seen labels, bearing the following names, upon plants collected in recent years in the State ; but have not yet been able to secure details as to the extent of the collections they appear to indicate :
Brown, William H.
Hayes, N. S.
Hinzman, W. W.
McCartney, H.