Page:The Living Flora of West Virginia and The Fossil Flora of West Virginia.pdf/51

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WEST VIRGINIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 27 BREMIA Regel. B. LACTUCAE Regel. On Lactucca Canadensis and L. hirsuta, June 14, 1894 (Nuttall, 1549). On Lactuca sativa (Sheldon, 53). PERONOSPORA Corda. P. OBOVATA Bon. On living leaves Spergula arvensis, Preston Co., near Terra Alta (Millspaugh). P. ARTHURI Farlow. On Onagra biennis (Sheldon, 2324). P. CORYDALIS DeBy. On Corydalis Alavula (Sheldon, 3996). P. PARASITICA (Pers.) DeBy. On Lepidium Virginicum and Cardamine Pennsylvanica (Sheldon, 55, 630, 1330). ENTOMOPHTHORACEAE. EMPUSA Cohn, E. MUSCAE (Fr.) Cohn. On Musca domestica, Monongalia Co., at Morgantown (Millspaugh). Very prevalent on a species of Tachina found on maple leaves in great number in 1892 at Morgan town (Müllspaugh). E. GRYLLI Fr. On tufted caterpillars, on grasshoppers, and on the house fly, Monongalia Co., at Morgantown (Millspaugh). SCHIZOMYCETACEAE. BACCILLIUS Cohn. B. TUBERCULOSIS Koch. In sputa of consumptive (Millspaugh). B. ACIDI-LACTICI (Zopf) Schroet. In soured Milk (Millspaugh). B. SUBTILIS (Ehrenb.) Cohn, In infusion of hay and on exposed boiled potato (Mülls. paugh). B. ULNA Cohn, On exposed coagulated egg albumen (Millspaugh). B. AMYLOVORUS: (Burrill) Schroet. (Microccus Burrill). Berkeley: on Malus Malus fruits at. Gerrardstown (Waite). On fruit of Pyrus communis, Monongalia Co., near Morgantown (Millspaugh).