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ranks; but for the accommodation of such Officers, and also for the convenience of those who may not have transmitted their declarations or certificates sufficiently early to admit of payment on the abovementioned days, a recall will take place on the 23d and 25th of January.

After which the half-pay and retired-pay will be payable on the first and third Wednesday in every month, excepting during the general payment.

Officers residing in or near London, and wishing to receive their half-pay or retired-pay in person, are requested to deliver their declarations or certificates into the Wages-office at the Admiralty, Somerset-place, or transmit them to the Secretary of the Admiralty, immediately on the expiration of each quarter; and those employing agents are also requested to furnish their agents with their declarations or certificates with the same dispatch, for unless such documents are delivered into this Office early, delay in the payment must unavoidably ensue.

As it sometimes happens that Officers apply personally for their half-pay or retired-pay, without having previously sent in their declarations or certificates as required by the usual advertisement, any delay or inconvenience to which they might be subject by this oversight, it is in the power of the Officers themselves to prevent, by an adherence to the existing regulations.

Under the authority of the Statutes relating to the pay of the Navy, besides the above-mentioned modes, Officers may receive their half-pay or retired-pay in any of the following ways, viz.

1st. By drawing a bill for the amount, in

which case they are to give notice thereof, by letter, to the Secretary of the Admiralty, marked, in the corner, "Half-pay, or Retired-pay, Accountant-General," and thereupon the proper form of a bill of exchange

will be sent to them.
2d. By a remittance bill, or permanent

remittance-bill, payable to them at or in the neighbourhood of their residence, by the Collector

of Customs or Excise.
3d. By extract or permanent remittance bill,

at a Dock-yard, where there is an

establishment of Pay Clerks.

In either of which two latter cases, they must give a like notice to the Secretary of the Admiralty, marked in the same manner, and a remittance bill, or extract, will thereupon be made out and transmitted to them.

In all cases, the Officer signifying his desire of payment is to state at the foot of his letter, his Christian and surnames, his rank, and a full description of his residence.

MEM.—Bills of exchange drawn under or by virtue of the Act of 11 Geo. 4, cap. 20, are not liable to the stamp duty.

No persons residing out of His Majesty's dominions are entitled to the privileges of this Act.


Department of the Comptroller for Victualling and Transport Services, Somerset-Place, January 5, 1836.

THE Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, do hereby give notice, that on Thursday the 14th instant, at one o'clock, they will be ready to treat with such persons as may be willing, to contract for supplying and delivering the following articles into His Majesty's Victualling Stores at Deptford, viz.

Rum, the produce of the British possessions in

the West Indies, equal, by Sykes's hydrometer, to 75,000 gallons proof; to be delivered in the original casks as imported, and tenders to be made at a rate per proof gallon, and in parcels of not less than 3000 gallons; half to be delivered in a month, and the remainder

in a month afterwards.
Wine, Spanish Red, 6000 gallons; half to be

delivered in a fortnight, and the remainder in

a fortnight afterwards.
Peas, 500 quarters; half to be delivered in a

fortnight, and the remainder in a fortnight

Oats, Scotch Potatoe, 300 quarters; to be delivered in a fortnight.
Cocoa, 30 to 40 tons; half to be delivered in

three weeks, and the remainder in three weeks


The Rum, Wine, and Cocoa will be exempted from the Customs' duties.

Samples of the wine (not less than, two bottles), of the peas and oats (not less than two quarts of each), and of the cocoa (not less than two pounds) must be produced by the parties tendering.

The conditions of the contracts may be seen at the said Office.

No tender will be received after one o'clock on the day of treaty, nor any noticed, unless the party attends, or an agent for him duly authorised in writing.

Every tender must be delivered at the above Office, and those for wine and cocoa must be accompanied by a letter addressed to the Secretary of the Admiralty, at Somerset-place, and signed by a responsible person, engaging to become bound with the person tendering, in the sum of £25 per cent, on the value, for the due performance of the contracts.

Admiralty, Somerset-Place,
December 30, 1835.

THE Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland do hereby give notice, that on Thursday the 21st of January next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, they will put up to sale, at their Office in Somerset-place, His Majesty's ships and vessels hereunder mentioned, namely:

Lying at Deptford.
Dover, 5th rate, 692 tons burthen.