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East India-House, January 8, 1836.

THE Court of Directors of the East India Company do hereby give notice,

That the Political and Military Committee will be ready, on or before Wednesday the 20th instant, at eleven o'clock, to receive proposals in writing, sealed up, from such persons as may be willing to supply the Company with

Potatoes ;
Groceries ;
Malt and Hops;
Candles, Oil, and Soap;

for the use of their Military Seminary at Addiscombe, near Croydon;

and that the conditions of the contract may be had upon application at the Military Secretary's Office, East India-House; where the proposals are to be left any time before eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the said 20th January, after which hour no tender will be received.

Peter Auber, Secretary.

London, January 7, 1836

NOTICE is hereby given, that warrants for the dividend declared on the nominal capital stock of the Governor and Company for working of Mines, Minerals, and Metals, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, will be ready to be delivered to the Proprietors, on Thursday the 14th instant, and every Thursday thereafter till the whole is paid, at the Sun Fire-Office, in Bankstreet, Cornhill; and that the transfer-books of the said Company, which are now shut, will be opened again on Thursday the 14th instant.

Eden Harwood, Clerk.

Colombian Mining Association, No. 3, Freeman's-Court, Cornhill, London, January 7, 1836

THE eleventh General Annual Meeting of the Proprietors of this Association will be held at the Office of the Association, on Wednesday the 3d day of February next, at one o'clock precisely.

John Chapman, Secretary.

Arigna Iron and Coal Company's-Office, No. 9, Liverpool-Street, London, January 6, 1836.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Half-yearly General Meeting of the said Company,advertised to be held (pursuant to the Company's Act of Parliament), at the Company's Office, No. 9,Liverpool-street, Broad-street, in the city of London, on the 30th day of July last, and on that day adjourned by the Directors of the said Company until the first Wednesday in February next, or such other day as the said Directors might appoint, pursuant to the said Act of Parliament, will be held on Thursday the 4th day of February next at twelve o'clock precisely (not twelve o'clock for one o'clock), at the Company's Office, No 9, Liverpool-street, in the city of London.

By order of the Board of Directors,
Henry English, Secretary.

Arigna Iron and Coal Company's-Office, No. 9, Liverpool-Street, London, January 6, 1836.

NOTICE is hereby given, that a Half-yearly General Meeting of the said Company will be held (pursuant to the Company's Act of Parliament) at the Company's Office, No 9, Liverpool-street, Broad-street, in the city of London, on Thursday the 4th day of February next, at one o'clock precisely (not one o'clock for two o'clock), for the purpose of receiving a report of the Directors on the affairs of the said Company; and particularly a statement of the several arrangements which have been entered into by the Directors, not only for the future working of the Company's mines at Arigna, but by which arrangements certain law proceedings relating to the Company have been settled and put an end to; and likewise fot the purpose of electing four qualified Proprietors to be Directors of the said Company, in the place and stead of four Directors who vacate their Office by rotation, pursuant to the 27th section of the same Act of Parliament; and also to proceed to the election, of one Auditor and Examiner of the Accounts of the said Company, in the place and stead of one of the Auditors who vacates his Office in rotation under the provisions of the said 27th section of the Act of Parliament. Every Proprietor intending to become a Candidate to fill any such vacant Offices must, within fourteen days after the insertion of this advertisement, signify his intention, by writing under his hand, stating the place of his residence and addition; such writing to be left within the same fourteen days, at the Office of the Company.

By order of the Board of Directors,
Henry English, Secretary.

N. B. By the 31st section of the Act, the Directors and Auditor going out of Office are eligible to be re-elected.

Forth and Clyde Navigation. Golden-Square, January 11, 1836.

WE, being the major part of the Governor and Council of the Company of Proprietors of the Forth and Clyde Navigation, do hereby, pursuant to the provisions contained in two Acts of Parliament, passed in the twenty-seventh and forty-sixth years of the reign of His Majesty King George the Third, call a Special General Meeting or Assembly of the said Proprietors, to be held at the British Coffee-house, in Cockspur-street, in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, and liberty of Westminster, on Wednesday the 3d day of February next, at one o'clock precisely, for the purpose of considering and passing such resolutions and orders as they may think proper, relative to the improvement and extension of the said navigation, and the harbours at Port Dundas and Grangemouth, with the towing-paths, wharfs, and other works therewith connected; the proposed cut from Port Dundas to Overpossil; the extension of the head level of the canal and the formation of a cut from Windford or Castlecarry, to Loanhead, and the raising and borrowing of money for effecting the aforesaid purposes; and to granting licences for conveying passengers in boats along the said canal, and making rules, orders, and regulations for their management; and also for passing such