Page:The London Guide and Stranger's Safeguard.djvu/211

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That is, where two persons combine to cheat a third.

Peter's confidential man and collector reguiarly brought in his book at the proper minute; but by leaving a vacancy open a page or two back, he was enabled to insert the number of the first drawn ticket with the name of his confederate annexed to it, which number was brought to him, and dropped into the cellar by that confederate, after the doors had been long-locked up, according to act of parliament.

That collector, whom it will be recollected we have not yet named [David] use to set at work a little go for several years just over his regular office; but a lady, whose losses were too much for her temper, took in dudgeon the sullen behaviour of the blind goddess who holds a wheel in her hand; so applied at the shrine of the blind "He who holds a sword in one hand and scales in the other:" they put down his table, and the office is extinguished.

At the west end of the town little goes are strewed about in great plenty, and in the season double their activity as well as their number. They are of various descriptions; the master of the house always taking a profit on the play, for