Page:The Lucknow album 1874 by Darogha Ubbas Alli.djvu/34

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down, and the ground, upon which it stood, levelled, it is needless to relate its history, it must sink into oblivion, according to the fate of works produced by human ; hands this work only professes to treat of the histories of such as remain, either intact, or in ruins.

Close by, " Badshah Munzil" is seen. This building was used by the King as the Council-house, for the State reception of the British Resident, it was in those days finely decorated; but it was here that General Outram read the stern decree of Government, by which the kingdom of Oudh was inexorably annexed, and the monarchy was put an end to. Because the ex-king ceased to be King from this house, the natives call it the " Gharut Munzil," or, " desolated house."

The quarters over the mermaid archway, just passed, were originally occupied by Nawab Ali Naki Khan, primi mortis, so that he. might be close to the King, and thereby have the earliest opportunity of knowing all that was going on. The buildings adjoining were the residences of the chief mehals; and afterwards the Rebel Begum, Huzrut Mehal, held her court there* In the stables near that place, the British captives were kept for some weeks.

Further on, the great " Lackhee Gate or archway," so called from its having cost a lakh of rupees in building, is passed, and then a magnificent quadrangle opens to the view ; this is the celebrated—


Views Nos. 22 to 24.

Or the famous palace of the ex-King, Wajid Ali Shah Sultan-a-Aulum. This great palace was commenced by the ex-King in the year 1850, and, in his wild ambition to have a palace of surpassing grandeur, he had it completed in the shortest time possible, at a cost of more than a million ster-