Page:The Lucknow album 1874 by Darogha Ubbas Alli.djvu/36

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had loaded themselves with plunder, the spoil of the richest seraglio in the world : the British troops rushed into the rooms and, with bayonet and bullet, slaughtered without mercy the luckless rebels, making them disgorge their illgotten plunder which was scattered about in reckless con- fusion, mingled with their blood.

Between the great quadrangle of Kaiser Bagh, and China Bazar , stand two mausoleums of imposing size and grandeur, these are—


Views Nos. 25 and 26.

The Mukara, or tomb, of Nawab Saadut Ali Khan, has since his death been called, by apotheosis, " Junnut Aramgah" or the house of one whose soul reposes in paradise. The other tomb is that of Moorshed Zadi, the Queen of Saadut Ali Khan.

The spot on which these tombs now stand, was formerly occupied by a house in which Ghazee-ood-deen Hyder, son of Saadut Ali Khan, resided. History says that, when the son came to the throne in the father's place, he remarked that, since he had taken his father's house, it was but fair that he should give up his own to his father and mother ; accordingly he gave orders for his former abode to be destroyed, and for the two mausoleums, under description, to be built on the site. The Royal Family of Oudh never displayed any remarkable traits of filial affection, so that, admitting the truth of this tradition, Ghazee-ood-deen Hyder must have been an exception to the general rule. The resting-place of some ten or fifteen British soldiers, who lost their lives by an explosion, is marked on a spot between the two tombs.