Page:The Lusiad (Camões, tr. Mickle, 1791), Volume 1.djvu/441

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To give each boon that human want requires,
And every gem that lofty pride desires:
Then here, a potent king your generous friend,
Here let your per'lous toils and wandering searches end.

He said: brave GAMA smiles with heart sincere,
And prays the herald to the king to bear
The thanks of grateful joy: But now, he cries,
The blackening evening veils the coast and skies,
And through these rocks unknown forbids to steer;
Yet, when the streaks of milky dawn appear
Edging the eastern wave with silver hoar,
My ready prows shall gladly point to shore;
Assured of friendship, and a kind retreat,
Assured and proffer'd by a king so great.
Yet, mindful still of what his hopes had cheer'd,
That here his nation's holy shrines were rear'd,