Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/295

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Section LXXXVI.
( Sambhava Parva continued. )

Vaisampayana said, "King Yayati the son of Nahusha, having thus installed his dear son on the throne, became exceedingly happy, and entered into the woods to lead the life of a hermit. And having lived for some time in the forest in the company of Brahmanas, observing many rigid vows, eating of fruits and roots, patiently bearing privations of all sorts, the monarch at last ascended to heaven. And having ascended to heaven he lived there in bliss. But soon, however, he was hurled down by Indra. And it hath been heard by me, O king, that though hurled from heaven, Yayati, without reaching the surface of the earth, stayed in the firmament. I have heard that some time after he again entered the region of the celestials in the company of Vasuman, Ashtaka, Pratarddana, and Shivi."

Janamejaya then said, "I desire to hear from thee in detail why Yayati having first obtained admission into heaven was hurled therefrom and why also he gained re-admittance. Let all this, O Brahmana, be narrated by thee in the presence of these Brahmana sages. Yayati the lord of the earth was, indeed, like the chief of the celestials. The progenitor of the extensive race of the Kurus, he was of the splendour of the Sun! I desire to hear in full the story of his life both in heaven and on earth, illustrious as he was, of world-wide celebrity, and of wonderful achievements!"

Vaisampayana said, "Indeed, I shall recite to thee the excellent story of Yayati's adventures on earth and in heaven. That story is sacred and destroyeth the sins of those that hear it.

King Yayati the son of Nahusha, having installed his youngest son Puru on the throne after casting his sons with Yadu for their eldest amongst the Mlechchas, entered the woods to lead the life of a hermit. And the king eating of fruits and roots lived for sometime in the forest. With mind and passions under complete control, the king gratified by