Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/302

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with Indra as their chief forsake him who hath lost his righteousness.' Ashtaka then said, 'I am extremely anxious to know how in the other world men can lose virtue. Tell me also, O king, what regions are attainable by what courses of action. Thou art acquainted, I know, with the acts and sayings of great beings!'

"Yayati answered, 'O thou pious one, they that speak of their own merits are doomed to suffer the pains of the hell called Bhauma. Though really emaciated and lean, they appear to grow on earth (in the shape of their sons and grandsons) only to become food for vultures, dogs, and jackals. Therefore, O king, this highly censurable and wicked vice should be repressed. I have now, O king, told thee all. Tell me what more I shall say.'

"Ashtaka said, 'When life is destroyed with age, vultures, peacocks, insects, and worms eat up the human body. Where doth man then reside? How doth he also come again to life? I have never heard of any hell called Bhauma on earth.'

"Yayati answered, 'After the dissolution of the body, man, according to his acts, re-entereth the womb of his mother and stayeth there in an indistinct form, and soon after assuming a distinct and visible shape re-appeareth in the world and walketh on its surface. This is that Earth-hell (Bhauma) where he falleth, for he beholdeth not the termination of his existence and acteth not towards his emancipation. Some dwell for sixty thousand years, some for eighty-thousand years in heaven; and then they fall. And as they fall they are attacked by certain Rakshasas belonging to the world in the form of sons, grandsons, and other relatives that withdraw their hearts from acting for their own emancipation.'

"Ashtaka then asked, 'For what sin are beings when they fall from heaven attacked by these fierce and sharp-toothed Rakshasas? Why are they not reduced to annihilation? How do they again enter the womb, furnished with the senses?'

"Yayati answered, 'After falling from heaven, the being becometh a subtile substance living in water. This water becometh the semen which is the seed of vitality. Thence entering the mother's womb on the womanly season, it de-