Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/95

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truth, a lover of peace, a mortifier of the flesh, and an observer of the penances according to the ordinance. He is respected by us all. It behoves us therefore to wait for him. And when he is seated on his highly respected seat, thou wilt answer what that best of Dwijas shall ask of thee."

Sauti said, "Be it so. And when the high-souled master hath been seated, by him questioned I will narrate sacred stories on a variety of subjects." After a while that excellent Brahmana (Saunaka) having duly performed all his duties, and having propitiated the gods with prayers and the manes of his fathers with oblations of water, came back to the place of sacrifice, where with Sauti seated before were the assembly of saints of rigid vows sitting at their ease. And when Saunaka was seated in the midst of the Ritwikas and Sadasyas, who were also returned to their places, he spake as followeth.

Section V.
( Pauloma Parva continued. )

Saunaka said, "Child, thy father formerly read the whole of the Puranas, O son of Lomaharshana, and the Bharata with Krishna-Dwaipayana. Hast thou also made them thy study? In those ancient records are interesting stories and the history of the first generations of the wise men, all which we heard rehearsed by thy sire. In the first place, I am desirous of hearing the history of the race of Bhrigu. Recount thou that history; we are attentive to listen to thee."

Sauti answered:—"By me hath been acquired all that was formerly studied by the high-souled Brahmanas including Vaisampayana and repeated by them; by me hath been acquired all that had been studied by my father. O descendant of the Bhrigu race, attend then to so much as relateth to the exalted race of Bhrigu, revered by Indra and all the gods, by the tribes of Rishis and Marutas (Winds). O great Muni, I will first then properly recount the story of this family, belonging to the Puranas.

"The great and blessed saint Bhrigu, we are informed, was begot by the self-existing Brahmā from the fire at the sacrifice