Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/144

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(Adivansavatarana Parva)

Saunaka said, "O son, thou hast narrated to me this extensive and great history commencing from the progeny of Bhrigu ! O son of Suta, I have been much gratified with thee! I ask thee again, to recite to me, O son of a Suta, the history composed by Vyasa I The varied and wonderful narrations that were recited amongst those illustrious Sadasyas assembled at the sacrifice, in the intervals of their duties of that longextending ceremony, and the objects also of those narrations, I desire to hear from thee, O son of a Suta I Recite them, therefore, all those to me fully !"

Sauti said, "The Brahmanas, in the intervals of the duties, spoke of many things founded upon the Vedas. But Vyasa recited the wonderful and great history called the Bharata."

Saunaka said, "That sacred history called the Mahabharata, spreading the fame of the Pandavas, which Krishna-Dwaipayana, asked by Janamejaya, caused to be duly recited after the completion of the sacrifice, I desire to hear duly. That history bath been born of the ocean-like mind of the great Rishi of soul purified by yoga! Thou foremost of good men, recite it unto me, for, O son of a Suta, my thirst hath not been appeased by all thou hast said."

Sauti said, -"I shall recite to thee from the beginning of that great and excellent history called the Mahabharata composed by Vyasa. O Brahmana, listen to it in full, as I recite it! I myself fell a great pleasure in reciting it !"

So ends the fifty-ninth section in the Adivansavatarana Parva of the Adi Parva.


(Adivansavatarana Parva continued) Sauti said, "Hearing that Janamejaya was installed in the snakesacrifice, the learned Rishi Krishna-Dwaipayana went thither on the occasion. And he, the grand father of the Pandavas was born in an island of the Yamuna, of the virgin Kali by Sakti's son, Parasara. And the illustrious one developed by his will alone his body as soon as he was born, and mastered the Vedas with their branches, and all the histories. And he readily obtained that which no one could obtain by asceticism, by the study of the Vedas, by vows, by fasts, by progeny, and by sacrifice.