Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/271

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child would be of pale complexion and known by the name of Pandu. Satyavati again begged of the Rishi another child, and the Rishi told her in reply,-'So be it.' Amvalika then when her time came, brought fortb a son of pale complexion. Blazing with beauty the child was endued with all auspicious marks. Indeed, it was this child who afterwards became the father of those mighty bowmen, the Pandavas

'Sometime after, when the eldest of Vichitra virya's widow again had ber monthly season, she was solicited by Satyavati to approach Vyasa once more. Possessed of beauty like a daughter of the celestials, the princess refused to do her mother-in-law's bidding, remembering the grim visage and strong odour of the Rishi. She, however, sent unto him, a maid of hers, endued with the beauty of an Apsara and decked with her own ornaments. And when the Vyasa arrived, the maid rose up and saluted him, And she waited upon him respectfully and took her seat near bit when asked. And O king, the great Rishi of rigid vows was well-pleased with her, and when he rose to go away, he addressed her and said,-'Amiable one, thou shalt no longer be a slave. Thy child also shall be greatly fortunate and virtuous, and the foremost of all intelligent men on Earth I' And, O king, the son thus begotten upon her by Krishna-Dwaipayana was afterwards known by the name of Vidura. He was thus the brother of Dhritarashtra and the illustrious Pandu. And Viduta was free from desire and passion and was conversant with the rules of government, and was the god of justice born on Earth under the curse of the illustrious Risbi Mandavya. And Krishna-Dwaipayana, when he met his mother as before, informed her as to how he had been deceived by the eldest of the princesses and how he had begotten a son upon a Sudra woman. And having spoken thus unto his mother the Rishi disappeared from her sight.

"Thus were born, in the field of Vichitravirya, even of Dwaipayana those son of the splendour of celestial children, those propagators of the Kuru race."

Thus ends the hundred and sixth section in the Sambhava Parva of the Adi Parva.


(Sambhava Parva continued)

Janamejaya said, "What did the god of justice do for which he was cursed? And who was the Brabmana ascetic from whose curse the god had to born in the Sudra caste ?"