Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/441

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concert. Bards and heralds began to chant in sweet tones the praises (of the hero who accomplished the feat). And beholding Arjuna, Drupada--that slayer of foes, -was filled with joy. And the monarch desired to assist with his forces the hero if the occasion arose. And when the uproar was at its height, Yudhisthira the foremost of all virtuous inen, accompanied by those first of men the twins, hastily left the amphitheatre for returning to his temoprary home. And Krishna beholding the mark shot and beholding Partha also like unto Indra himself, who had shot the mark, was filled with joy, and approached the son of Kunti with a white robe and a garland of flowers. And Arjuna the accomplisher of inconceivable feats, having won Draupadi by his success in the amphitheatre, was saluted with reverence by all the Brahmanas. And he soon after left the lists followed close by her who thus became his wife.**

Thus ends the hundred and ninetieth section in the Swayamvara Parva of the Adi Parva.


(Swayamvara Parva continued)

Vaisampayana said.-"When the king (Drupada) expressed his desire of bestowing his daughter on that Brahmana (who had shot the mark). all those monarchs who had been invited to the Swayamvara, looking at one another, were suddenly filled with wrath. And they said, "Passing us by and treating the assembled monarchs as straw this Drupada desireth to bestow his daughter-that first of women,-on a Brahmana! Having planted the tree he cutteth it down when it is about to bear fruit. The wretch regardeth us not : therefore let us slay bim! He deserveth not our respect nor the veneration due to age. Owing to such qualities of his, we shall, therefore, slay this wretch that insulteth all kings, along with his son ! Inviting all the monarchs and entertaining them with excellent food, he disregardeth us at last. In this assemblage of monarchs like unto a conclave of the celestials, doth he not see a single monarch equal unto himself? The Vedic declaration is wellknown that the Swayamvara is for the Kshatriyas. The Brahmanas have no claim in respect of a selection of husband by a Kshatriya damsel. Or, ye kings, it this damsel desireth not to select any one of us as her lord, let us cast her into the fire and return to our kingdoms. As regards this Brahmana, although he hath, from officiousness or avarice, done this injury to the monarchs, he should not yet be slain ; for our king.