Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Volume 1).pdf/528

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'We do not, O mother, say that thou art dispelling our fears with a false story I For whatever is done by a person when his reason hath been disturbed can scarcely be said to be that person's deliberate act. Thou hast not been benefited by us, nor dost thou know who we are. Why dost thou, therefore, strive to protect us at so much cost to thyself? Who are we to thee? Thou art young and handsome, and capable of seeking out thy husband. Go unto thy husband. Thou shalt obtain good children again. Let us by entering the fire attain to regions of felicity. If, however, the fire consume us not, thou mayest come back and obtain us again.'

Vaisampayana said, "The parent bird then, thus addressed by her sons, left them in Khandava and hastily went to the spot where there was no fire and there was safety. Then Agni in haste and with fierce flames approached the spot where the sons of Mandapala were. The young birds saw the blazing fire come towards them. Then Taritari, the eldest of four, in the hearing of Agni began to speak."

Thus ends the two hundred and thirty-third section in the Khandava-daha Parva of the Adi Parva.


(Khandava-daha Parva continued)

"Jaritari said, "The person that is wise remaineth wakeful in view of death. Accordingly, when the hour of death approacheth, he teeleth no pangs. But the person of perplexed soul, who remaineth not awake, when the hour of death comes, feeleth the pangs of death and never attaineth salvation.'

"The second brother, Sarisrikka, said, "Thou art patient and intelligent. The time is come when our lives are threatened. Without doubt, one only amongst many becometh wise and bravel

"The third brother, Stamvamitra, said, "The eldest brother is called the protector. It is the eldest brother that rescueth (the younger ones) from danger. If the eldest himself faileth to rescue them, what can the younger ones do?

The fourth and the youngest brother, Drona said, "The cruel god of fire, with seven tongues and seven mouths quickly cometh towards our habitation, blazing forth in splendour and licking up everything in bis path." **